Friday, December 08, 2006

More trips and Barça

I really wanted to continue explaining the 2nd part of my trip to Israel and Palestine, but I didn't have enough time, I'll try to do it soon, today some new news:

I have to say that I've travelled again, I've been to Portugal 3 weeks ago that was my last trip, I went to Lisbon, Sintra and Porto and I think it is a fantastic country, everything is pretty cheap, there are nice girls and fantastic food. Just 2 weeks before than Portugal I went for a week to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. We had good craic although we had prefered being there longer than a week. We started the trip in Kaunas where we spent a night and a day, next day we went to Vilnius , the next step was to Riga where we hired a car. In Riga there is big party and we didn't have any problem such as in Budapest (even though I was there with the same friend). We have heart that it is quite dangerous night life in Latvia's capital but we had great fun enjoying ourselves a lot, drinking as usual and dancing until 6am each day. We danced with really cool girls, night clubs there are a must go place... Meanwhile we also went to Tallin in Riga, the northest is the coutry the better it was as a coutry, however in Tallin we had some bad weather with snow and rain but as a city is a very beatiful one. Fortunately in the whole trip we didn't have the chance to meet 2 nice girls from Rumania inviting us to have few beers and everything was great.

I'd like to talk a little bit about football, as Barça is doing alright. I went to Stamford bridge for Barça's game. Although we lost, it was a nice experience and we finished going party in London all the whole night even though we had to be at the airport at 6 o'clock, we arrived there still drunk and very affraid of do not being able to take the flight. What I don't like is what Larsson have done to us, for me is unbeliveable what he has done, he left Barça being like God and saying that he was going to Sweden just to play his last football, and just few months later on he plays for united? Betrayal! Retaliation! I whish him the best even if what he did was not fair play. As you can see Barça is on the top of La Liga, the favorite for the Champions league and probably the one that's playing better football. I must admit that I'm surprised of seeing United still first on the Premier league, I hate Chelsea so Keep United on that position. If you want to watch good football just check out the videos I put:If you want to watch good football just check out the videos I send you:

2 for Ronaldhino

And the best of Barça: