Wednesday, February 15, 2006

To smoke or not to smoke?

In my opinion Ireland is one of the best countries to quite smoking. Why? There are many reasons. For instance, the price of each box of cigarretes. Overhere it's so expensive that before lighting a cigarrete I would be thinking how much money I could save if I didn't smoke.
On the other hand there is the banning. Everywhere is banned smoking, as in the UK are actually calling for a total smoking ban in all enclosed public places and workplaces.
Here you can't smoke anywhere. And I have to say that it is something I really like. If you want to smoke do it in your home or outside in the streets. When I was the last Christmas at home in my country, I remember being in a disco dancing and crying. Crying because of the smoke. Of course you can imagine for me was like the fishes in the image, trying to breathe opening my mouth.

1 comment:

wallycrawler said...

I quit 10 years ago . Best thing I ever did !