Thursday, February 23, 2006

Winter games and Barça vs Chelsea.

For the first time in my life these days I am watching the Olimpic Winter Games. It's my first time not because I am so young that I still haven't had the chance to do it, mainly it is because I am from a country where there are no many suporters of the winter games. The weather conditions are warmer than in lots of other countries, those that are actually winning the medals. Actually I am watching it because I am living with a Canadian guy and he wants to follow all the sports, so I haven't got another option.

I have to say that I am really surprised. How can be an sport pushing an stone and sweeping the floor? (Curling) .And even worst, how can it be an Olimpic sport? When I saw that, I was absolutely surprised, unbelievable. Just imagine doing the same but without ice. What I really liked was bobsleigh racing, however after watching few races I thought it was too boring, as everytime it's the same.
As today it's my first post talking about sports, I want to talk about the team I really suport: F.C.Barcelona. I am a big fan and membership as well, and yesterday I enjoyed myself so much watching how we beat the bloody Chelsea. If you want to hate football, just watch a Chelsea match, it is even worst than the Italian football.

Just to finish, a message to Mourinho: There is no excuse, yesterday, as the last season, there was just one team playing football, obviously it wasn't Chelsea.

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